There’s always a lot of talk about work-life balance.
It’s a big thing in any business, or any entrepreneurial endeavor, and it’s definitely important for authors.
I see a lot of writers trying to build up their word count while they are waiting in the carpool lane.
Or maybe they’re waiting for pick up, and trying to squeeze in things when their kids are home for summer vacation.
I’m a dad too, so I understand this battle between wanting to be a good parent, and wanting to get those books out into the world.
I really took a lot from Shonda Rhimes book, The Year of Yes.
She talks about being simultaneously a parent and the showrunner for multiple TV shows.
Something she said really stuck with me.
It’s kind of impossible to truly be “balanced” at any given one time.
If you are working on being an author at the moment, you aren’t necessarily putting your attention on being a parent.
If you are focused on being a parent, you aren’t going to be able to put in the time and effort on your writing.
And so at that very moment, you are out of balance and that is okay.
So if you need to push for a deadline and get a book done, maybe you don’t get to be super mom or super dad that day.
You need to just try to balance in the long run, don’t worry about every single moment along the way.
Are you trying too hard to be perfect?