I’m not sure who the first person was to come up with the idea of the big, hairy, audacious goal.
I love that concept of something that is scary, but you get it in your mind and you think about it and it helps drive you beyond a point where you thought you could have gone.
This could be with the number of words you write or the royalties you’re hoping to obtain.
I don’t know what you want your big, hairy, audacious goal to be, but whatever BHAG you come up with, you need to write it down.
You need to write it down consistently, you need to think about it.
You need to have it on a post-it on your computer, or written on a piece of paper that is on your bathroom mirror.
Or you put it at the top of every daily tracker on your notebook.
The important thing is if you have this goal in your mind only, it’s not going to just be locked in immediately.
You’re not automatically going to push for it, and it’s not going to change your daily actions…
…unless you’re consistently exposed to it.
I remember putting some of my goals on a little business card that I stuffed in front of my ID so I would see it all the time.
I put some of my goals in my notebook every single day.
You could have it pop up on your computer, you could use whatever task management software you have that’s your to-do list to remind you.
But whatever you have to do, write it down, and write it down often.
Because if you do that, it’s a lot more likely to come to pass than if you just hope for the best.