I ran a coaching program not too long ago with 15 people in Chicago.
And I asked this question and was stunned by this answer.
The question I asked was:
“How many of you thought that when you were coming in here today that you were going to be the one who was the most behind, who was in last place, and that everyone else is way more advanced than you?”
And about three quarters of the room raised their hand.
I knew some of these authors had five to 10 books out, and yet they still assumed they would be the one who would feel out of place there because they would not have accomplished what the other people in the room had.
And I think that’s pretty common.
I think if I asked that question in a room of 500 people that we would get the same ratio. So what does this mean?
Well I think it means that we are grossly under estimating our own successes.
Think about how 99% of wanna-be-authors never even write a book.
And you’ve written a book or you are working on a book.
That puts you in rare company and if you’ve put out more than one book, if you have three books, five books, that puts you in the top 1%, possibly even the top 1% of 1%!
So you need to remember that you are so much further ahead than the people who only have an idea of writing.
You’ve written, you’ve marketed, you’ve sold a dang book, and that is amazing.
So remember that whenever you’re feeling low.