Should you be running Amazon ads if your books are not exclusive through Amazon?
That’s a big question. I get it a lot.
There’s a lot of authors who have their books in Kobo, Apple, and Barnes & Noble, and so as a result, they cannot have that book in KDP Select.
Yes. Even if you have the individual books, yes, your box set can’t be wide.
I mean, you need to double check on all of your books to make sure they’re where they’re supposed to be, but should you be running the Amazon ads?
I say yes.
But especially if you have a book in a series, you may put yourself at a bit of a disadvantage, as readers who are in Kindle Unlimited might not buy your book when they click on it from an ad.
And so as a result, you might have to have lower cost per click.
You might need to be smarter about the money that you are spending, but if you’re wide, that doesn’t mean you can’t have success with Amazon ads.
You just don’t have those two opportunities for people to buy your book.
So you just need to be smarter.
You need to look at bidding lower and more intelligently.
You need to look at doing everything more efficiently.
You need to create a bunch of ads.
You need to really drill down in figuring out your read-through and your conversion rate.
And when you’ve got Amazon figured out, then make sure you’re doing your Kobo promotions.
Make sure you’re experimenting with BookBub ads and Facebook ads on these other platforms so that you can make sure you’re getting the most out of having your books wide.
Remember: publishing wide has advantages those in KDP Select cannot capitalize on!