Okay, let’s imagine this scenario in which Jeff Bezos calls me…
This isn’t real, but let’s say Jeff Bezos calls me and says, “Bryan, we want you to change the Amazon Ad Dashboard for the better.”
So here’s what I would change if that imaginative scenario were to happen.
So I would actually first fix the Lock Screen Ad.
This is an ad that used to be called a Sponsored Product Interest
Now it’s Lock Screen and it uses totally different terminology.
It says “clicks,” but it doesn’t actually mean clicks, or at least not
clicks to your sales page.
So I would totally revamp that and get that all fixed.
I would have royalties tracking not sales tracking.
Who cares if you make a $7.99 sale on a paperback, but you only make two bucks royalties off of it?
How does that help you figure out your Advertising Cost of Sale?
That’s a bunch of hooey.
Let’s have royalties tracking, and yes, I did just say hooey.
But third, let’s get pages read to be tracked.
We need pages read to be tracked.
We’re authors.
Some of us make 80% of our money off of pages read from Kindle Unlimited.
So why hasn’t it been tracked from ads yet?
I don’t get it.
They expect us to do all of this.
They expect great tools like ReaderLinksto do this for us, but we could use some developer who figures stuff like this out to get this essential data for us.
So Jeff, if you’re watching, and I hope you are…
Call me.
I will help you fix these things and I’ll charge under my usual rate, I promise.
Thank you for reading, I appreciate it.