People always seem surprised when I tell them that I get angry emails and angry Facebook comments.
And I think that’s I guess just kinda the cost of putting yourself out there and emailing people, running a podcast, filming videos, etc.
But I know that everyone in the author community actually deals with haters…
Whether it’s one star reviews or angry Facebook comments on ads or in responses to launch emails.
And the way I deal with it is just trying to remember that what they say is not a reflection of me.
What they’re doing with their time, spending their hours to literally try to pass their negative energy onto me…
And onto other people, it really shows that they are unhappy with themselves.
As Gary Vee says, realizing this shouldn’t leave you feeling sorry for you.
It should leave you feeling sorry for them.
That this is the thing they’re spending their time on.
They’ve taken time out of their lives to be angry at other people and basically yell at a street corner to try to get attention.
To try to spread that negative energy out into the world.
And that happens with the one-star reviews and the comments, and it’s painful.
And it’s okay to let it be painful.
Let yourself feel that feeling because you don’t have to be a robot.
But remember once you kind of the logic brain kicks back in…
That it’s not about you.
It’s not personal.
It’s just this person and what they’re dealing with.
And once you realize it has very little to do with you…
It should be a lot easier to move on with your life.