One of the best ways to know if your cover, your book description, your title, or if anything else is off with your book, is to actually just run an little test. So login to your preferred … [Read more...]
Why Successful Authors Entrepreneurs Treat Themselves Like Pro Athletes It's helpful to think of any career in the same way we think about major athletes. You hear about million-dollar professional athletes getting frequent massages, or having a nutrition plan, … [Read more...]
Why You Need To Remember You’re Ahead of 99% of Wannabe Writers I ran a coaching program not too long ago with 15 people in Chicago. And I asked this question and was stunned by this answer. The question I asked was: "How many of you thought that … [Read more...]
How Writing S___y First Drafts Applies to Marketing Too I think that sometimes we can get the wrong idea about what our marketing needs to look like. We see a lot of really beautiful amazing websites, and then we think we need that … [Read more...]
How to Use the Inciting Incident In An A+ Blurb The inciting incident in your book is the point at which the action truly kicks off. In other words, where your protagonist or protagonists are thrown into the plot, and things just really … [Read more...]
The Art of Doing Less But Better It's taken me a long time to figure out that trying to do everything, all of the marketing, all of the writing tasks, isn't really a recipe for success, it's a recipe for burnout. And it … [Read more...]
How I Created My First Book from Existing Content I didn't realize I had a book when I first started writing. It wasn't until just a few months before I actually published that I realized, I had a book, kind of a secret, hidden, book. … [Read more...]
Why You Should Ignore ACoS and Focus on Profit Some metrics matter more than others. When it comes to running ads on your books on Amazon… And the statistic that matters the most above anything else is not ACoS or sales or … [Read more...]
This One Thing Will Get Readers to Click the Buy Button My old improv comedy teachers used to tell me to leave the audience wanting more. And as I transitioned into writing book descriptions, I had the realization that I needed to bring that concept … [Read more...]
Why You Absolutely Need and Deserve a Break You work hard. You put in a lot of effort to put out your books, to market your books. Even if you aren't having massive success compared to others in the industry… And there's … [Read more...]