Today on the show, BPF trainer and writer John Phythyon and copywriting guru Abigail Dunard tackle an author-submitted blurb to dissect it and understand how to write killer sales copy.
To watch video of this episode, view it on Facebook at Best Page Forward.
Here are this episode’s read-along selections:
Author: Allen Goodson
Title: Color of a Cry
Laugh – Cry – Remember
Color of a Cry is a collection of short stories. Heartfelt stories of growing up in the rural South during the 50’s and 60’s. A time of innocence. Simpler times. Stories about a boy, a family and of an America we remember fondly.
A Time Gone By
It sat at the intersection of two dirt roads. The unique location gave me and my childhood friend Bobby four distinctly different ways to go exploring. Mama didn’t mind as long as we followed her rules: Be home by dark, don’t come home wet, and don’t get on any paved roads. We most often chose the northern artery, for it ran ten miles before meeting pavement, ten miles as a crow flies, but neither dirt roads nor young boys travel in straight lines.
The house is still there, but it’s just an old farmhouse worse for the wear. At one time, it was a new home for two young parents just starting out. Mom and Dad are gone now, too. We laid them to rest nearby. My sisters and I moved away years ago. Time has taken away nearly everything except the fond memories.