Today on the show, author Jim Heskett and copywriting guru Abigail Dunard tackle an author-submitted blurb to dissect it and understand how to write killer sales copy. To watch video of this episode, view it on Facebook at Best Page … [Read more...]
Twisting Tropes: BSB063
Does writing salesy text for ads and book blurbs make you cringe? Never fear: expert copywriter Abigail Dunard and her apprentice Jim Heskett teach you all about writing effective sales copy by breaking down book descriptions. To watch … [Read more...]
Synopsizing vs. Selling: BSB062
Today on the show, author Jim Heskett and copywriting guru Abigail Dunard tackle an author-submitted blurb to dissect it and understand how to write great sales copy. Here are this episode’s read-along selections: To watch video of this episode, … [Read more...]
Confusing Words: BSB061
Today on the show, author Jim Heskett and copywriting guru Abigail Dunard tackle an author-submitted blurb to dissect it and understand how to write great sales copy. Here are this episode’s read-along selections: To watch video of this episode, … [Read more...]
CTAs Aren’t Pushy: BSB060
Today on the show, author Jim Heskett and copywriting guru Abigail Dunard tackle an author-submitted blurb to dissect it and understand how to write great sales copy. Here are this episode’s read-along selections: To watch video of this … [Read more...]
Fan-Favorite Elements: BSB059
Today on the show, author Jim Heskett and copywriting guru Abigail Dunard tackle an author-submitted blurb to dissect it and understand how to write great sales copy. Here are this episode’s read-along selections: To watch video of this episode, … [Read more...]
Don’t Hold Back on the Stakes: BSB058
Today on the show, author Jim Heskett and copywriting guru Abigail Dunard tackle an author-submitted blurb to dissect it and understand how to write great sales copy. Here are this episode’s read-along selections: To watch video of this … [Read more...]
Blurbing a Series: BSB057
Today on the show, author Jim Heskett and copywriting guru Abigail Dunard tackle an author-submitted blurb to dissect it and understand how to write great sales copy. Here are this episode’s read-along selections: To watch video of this episode, … [Read more...]
Writing Great Hooks: BSB056
Today on the show, author Jim Heskett and copywriting guru Abigail Dunard tackle an author-submitted blurb to dissect it and understand how to write great sales copy. Here are this episode’s read-along selections: To watch video of this … [Read more...]
Conflict vs. Stakes: BSB055
Today on the show, author Jim Heskett and copywriting guru Abigail Dunard tackle an author-submitted blurb to dissect it and understand how to write great sales copy. Here are this episode’s read-along selections: To watch video of this … [Read more...]