As you may know, I subscribe to the low bid, high-profit philosophy of Amazon ads. This means I don't overspend, and don't take any unnecessary risks with eating into my royalties. But sometimes, when you place low bids for Amazon Ads, you … [Read more...]
How to get Your Book in Up to 10 Categories You may have noticed when you're choosing your book’s categories in KDP, it looks like you can only pick two. But after you publish your book or post your pre-order, you can actually appear in up to … [Read more...]
Why Anthologies Work Well with Kindle Unlimited (and Amazon Ads) I talk a lot about the anthology that I ran in 2016 and 2017 that did quite well on the back of Amazon ads. And one of the reasons the anthology did so well is because it was just perfect for Kindle … [Read more...]
Should You Run Amazon Ads If Your Books Are Wide? Should you be running Amazon ads if your books are not exclusive through Amazon? That's a big question. I get it a lot. There's a lot of authors who have their books in Kobo, Apple, and Barnes … [Read more...]
Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff On Amazon Ads I know when you're not necessarily selling a lot of books or making a ton of profit, it can be easy to become obsessed by the weird quirks of the Amazon ad dashboard. I have heard people bemoan the … [Read more...]
How Some Authors Make $20 When They Sell One $3 Book Psst. I want to tell you a little secret. There are some self-published authors out there who make over $20 when they sell one book. How do they do that? Well, it's not by pricing the … [Read more...]
What Do You Do When The Data Says Your Book Is Losing Money? If you’ve watched my videos or attended my training, you know I’ll often say that the data tells a story. When you look to see what your profit is, and how many clicks it takes for you to get a sale … [Read more...]
What Do Big Time Authors Do With Paid Ads? I got an interesting question in my Amazon ad school student group the other day. It was along the lines of “What do I do if my ads aren't making enough profit?” And I thought it was really … [Read more...]
What Can You Do If Your Ads Don’t Earn Enough Profit? In one of my last videos, I talked about making money. In particular, about making additional profit from ads that are only making a little bit of money. But today I want to talk about what the … [Read more...]
The Waiting is the Hardest Part: Why Patience is So Important in the Amazon Ad World
I've always loved the quote that I've heard attributed to Clint Eastwood: "Don't just do something, stand there." (They were apparently discussing the internal process of acting.) With your advertising campaigns, it's not always all about the … [Read more...]