You work hard. You put in a lot of effort to put out your books, to market your books. Even if you aren't having massive success compared to others in the industry… And there's … [Read more...]
3 Ways to Get the Most Out of a Conference for Authors Even if you would classify yourself as an introvert… I think that you'd get a lot out of going to a live author event. And I believe there are key things you can do to get the most out of them. … [Read more...]
Writing More books Leads to Higher Quality I've heard it a thousand times over, people say that writing books quickly means they must be bad books. Most of you reading this probably agree with me that that is a load of malarkey. Because … [Read more...]
Why a Book Description’s First Sentence Should Always Be The Same I'm all about variety. I'm all about uniqueness. Though as you see a lot in the fiction world, trying to be too unique in your writing… By ignoring the tropes of a genre, or in your … [Read more...]
How to Get Way Better at Writing Fiction in Just 4 Weeks We want to rush at life, at business, at bringing in royalties… At finishing our books, at writing in a new genre, or whatever it is. I'm going to give you a hack that is not going to feel like … [Read more...]
Getting Perspective from a Fire in Our backyard We want to rush at life, at business, at bringing in royalties... At finishing our books, at writing in a new genre, at everything really. I'm going to give you a hack that is not going … [Read more...]
Character vs. Plot: Which One Needs to Win in an A+ Blurb? So you know how there's all these memes out there that there are only about five or six different stories? That different plots can all be boiled down to a book or a movie's essence? It’s … [Read more...]
Poets, Geniuses, and Scholars There's an important lesson I learned from my improv comedy days that's very applicable to authors. Whether you're an educator or an entertainer, you should treat your readers like poets, … [Read more...]
Leave ‘Em Wanting More Cliffhangers get a bad rap in the novel writing world. Anecdotally, some authors say that cliffhangers can cause trouble with readthrough. They can get us some lower star reviews. I … [Read more...]
Handling the Haters People always seem surprised when I tell them that I get angry emails and angry Facebook comments. And I think that's I guess just kinda the cost of putting yourself out there and emailing … [Read more...]