I gotta tell ya, and I know a lot of people feel this way sometimes, but I feel like an imposter some of the time.
And it’s disheartening.
I know that there’s a lot of people out there who promote courses and podcasts and whatnot and they’ve never sold like a hundred books.
I’ve sold a lot of books.
But then you know I compare myself, Comparisonitis, to some folks who’ve sold like millions of books.
So I think about this more than I should, but here’s something that comforts me.
I think about Michael Jordan.
Amazing player.
Does so many incredible things.
One of the best players of all time.
And then there’s this other player who played with him in the finals, Steve Kerr.
And he was pretty good, he shot a lot of good threes.
I don’t know if he’s a hall of fame player like Michael Jordan, and so if you’re gonna compare them as players, no question.
Far and away, Michael Jordan is the better player.
But after he stopped playing, Michael Jordan has not had a lot of success in basketball.
As a general manager, as an owner, not a lot of success.
But Steve Kerr, someone he played with, has won multiple championships as a coach.
As a teacher.
As a mentor.
And so when I think about, am I an imposter, you know, talking about things like I’m an expert on ads and blurbs and whatnot…
I think about Michael Jordan versus Steve Kerr.
Because as long as I try to be the best teacher I can be…
As long as I try to help people as best as I can.
Then I can win championships of teaching and coaching.
Even if maybe I didn’t sell as many books as some of the other awesome experts out there.
I hope you found this helpful and thank you so much for reading.
Day 5 Afternoon – Twitter: Landscape Quote Card
You can check my Sales Rank. I’m not a chart topper (though I have sold 100,000 books). But I try my best to provide valuable marketing advice every single day.